2025 Sacramental Dates

2025 Sacramental Dates

Our Parish Sacramental Program is all about creating opportunities for our young parishioners to encounter Jesus and His Holy Spirit through the sacraments; to find their home in the Catholic Church; and to thrive in faith and to joyfully live out their call as missionary disciples of Jesus!

The purpose of our Parish Sacramental Program isn’t about fulfilling ‘requirements’ for enrolment in a Catholic school, or just fulfilling a ‘rite of passage’ etc.

So, faithful to our parish purpose and OUR VISION - while at the same time being mindful that families in our exponentially growing parish are busier than ever – in recent years we have implemented a process for sacramental preparation in our parish.

More information on our parish sacramental process can be found HERE.

Our 2025 SACRAMENTAL CALENDAR** (which includes the dates for Sacramental Programs) can be downloaded HERE.

** This Calendar is subject to change.


  • In our parish, baptised children in Year 3 and above, can make their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, and children in Year 6 and above, who have made their First Holy Communion, can receive Confirmation. However, no child is obliged to make a sacrament simply because of the year group they are in, or their class. Only those who participate in parish life and who know they will be able to prioritise the time for their child to prepare for the sacraments, should enrol. We have many children who wait till a later age to receive sacraments.
  • It is essential, if you want your child/ren to receive any of the sacraments of initiation, that you attend the Parent Information Session for the relevant sacrament. 
  • Only those who attend mass and/or reside within the Parish Boundary of Oran Park and can commit to attending Mass at our Oran Park or Leppington Mass Centres for the duration of the program are permitted to submit a Sacramental enrolment form. Those who are parishioners of Camden, Varroville or Eagle Vale should complete Sacramental preparation through their local Parish.


Children 7 years and above who are not baptised or who have been baptised in a Christian church other than Catholic, are still able to make their First Reconciliation and/or First Holy Communion, by taking part in a 5-week preparation process – prior to the start of a 1st Reconciliation/1st Holy Communion program.

This preparation process, sometimes called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) will be an opportunity for these children, supported by their adult family members, to ‘meet in small groups’ before or after a weekend Mass, to learn more about what it means to be a Catholic-Christian and to prepare for their Baptism (or for those already baptised in another Christian church, their ‘Reception into the Catholic Church’).

Children who journey through RCIC (and have completed the 5 week RCIC program along with the 1st Reconciliation/1st Holy Communion program) will, as set down by liturgical practice, receive their Baptism/Reception into the Catholic Church, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation all during the one Mass.

Those interested in being a part of RCIC are asked to send an email to oranpark@dow.org.au.


To access enrolment forms, you will require a Google login. For those who do not have a Google login, or are unable to set one up, please contact the Parish Office to obtain a PDF version.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC)

Online Enrolments for our 2025 preparation program are now CLOSED.



1st Reconciliation & 1st Holy Communion

Online Enrolments for our 2025 preparation program are now CLOSED.




Online Enrolments for our 2025 preparation program will OPEN on 9 June 2025.


For more information on our sacramental program contact oranparksacraments@dow.org.au