Time, Talent and Treasure

It is indeed an exciting time to be living in this beautiful part of South West Sydney, one of the fastest growing regions in Australia. As the newest parish in the Diocese of Wollongong, our mandate is more challenging than that of an existing Catholic parish as it requires us to "launch into the deep" and discover fresh ways of being the hands and feet of Jesus in our local area. St Mary MacKillop famously said: “Never see a need without doing something about it.” It is exciting that we can now take up Mary MacKillop’s challenge together. However, this vision will only become a reality if each of us commits to sharing our God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Our vision is that our parish will be a place of active service; where belonging means more than attending, and where the gifts we receive through the Sacraments are transformed into service of our Church and of one another.
Please contact the parish office (oranpark@dow.org.au) if you would like more information about ministry opportunities. Our parish office admin team will take your details and pass them onto the leaders of these ministries who will contact you.
A list of ministries and requirements can be found HERE.
If your preferred ministry/ministries require formation before commencing, you will need to engage in this formation first. Even if you have served in this ministry before, we ask that you attend a formation session so that you are familiar with the current practices and processes of our parish.
If your chosen ministry requires a Working with Children Check or National Police Check, you will need to apply and obtain these checks prior to beginning in the ministry.
With so many ways to become involved in the life our exponentially expanding parish, we hope that you will seek opportunities to become involved and enrich, not only your own faith, but the faith of those with whom you will meet and interact in our parish community.
As we continue to move into the future, we must ensure that we as a parish are financially self-sustainable, not only so we can fund the ministries and works of the parish, but also look to the future development of this growing faith community. In our parish we strive to have a healthy planned giving program where everyone, no matter how large or small their financial contribution may be, shares their God given gift of financial treasure that goes to support the works and ministries of the parish. While taking up a weekly collection is okay, in a parish like ours it would be great if we knew (roughly) ahead of time what our income will be. Direct debit is perfect for this. You can do this in one of two ways: You can indicate your interest by filling out this form, scanning it and emailing it back to the parish office or dropping it off at the parish office. Alternatively, please follow this LINK to the Diocesan website to submit your Planned Giving request.