Your Foundation Priest

Fr David Catterall was ordained a priest for the Wollongong Diocese on 25 March 2000. Before being appointed ‘foundation Parish Priest’ of St Mary MacKillop Parish by the late Bishop Peter Ingham DD on 22 June 2015, Fr David ministered in the parishes of Wollongong, Nowra, Camden, Campbelltown, Rosemeadow and in his home parish of Albion Park.
Fr David retired as Parish Priest of St Mary MacKillop Parish Oran Park on Sunday, 13 October 2024.
In his final pastoral letter to parishioners Fr David said: “As you know I - along with all of you - have dreams for our parish, and I give thanks to God for all the great things we have achieved together over the last decade. I am confident that our parish vision will continue to inspire and guide you as these dreams are brought to fruition in the years to come.”